Monday, October 18, 2010


Sorry it has been so long since my last update, I just don't know where my time goes. I have started a different site, I am hoping it will be more user friendly, an easier to update. The new site is as follows: Please go to this site for future updates. If you have any problems or suggestions please write me at Thanks for your patience and may God bless you and your family!

Monday, August 2, 2010

When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God whose words I praise.
Psalms 56:3-4

How is everyone doing today? I hope this finds you health and blessed, by God. The picture to the right is of a pair of squealer ducks, and their chicks (10 total). Angelia and I have been blessed to spend as much time together as possible, and are looking forward to more time. Angelia is in the process of looking for a job in the Houston area, working for a state college. We are waiting to hear from two colleges that are in the process of looking over resume's and applications, hopefully she will get an interview in the next two weeks. I am getting chemo today, and then I will have another treatment in two weeks, followed by a catscan, and then I will meet with the doctor to discuss taking a break for a while. I have been doing pretty well, considering the chemo makes me tired, but I still work and make jobs when ever possible. Last week I had everone on jobs, and because of the job locations I got to spend some extra time in Nacogdoches with Angelia. Two weeks ago, I took some time off and helped Angelia take care of her mother, while her sister took time off for a vacation. We are planing a trip to see our son Jimmy on the 14th, outside of Dallas, TX. I want to thank everyone for their continued prayers for me and my healing, prayer is a gift from God, and I enjoy my time I get to talk to my Savior. God bless our country, you, your families, and our troops!

Monday, July 5, 2010


I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth."
GENESIS 9:13-16

I am feeling really strong today, and am going through my 9th chemo treatment. My platlet count is a little low, but the doctor wants to continue, and if my counts drop next time then I wont be able to have chemo. Angelia and I have had a great time since moving to our new rv park, we have been doing a lot of fishing and enjoying all the outdoors that God allows. We bought a golf cart to drive around the park, and I got a stereo roof mount, front bumper, lights and was anxious to get them installed, but it would not stop raining. I told Angelia that God was not smiling on me, within a few hours it had stopped raining and we were fishing. Angelia looked up and spotted the rainbow (picture above), she said God is smiling on you. I have never seen a rainbow in the sky straight above my head, I had only seen them on the horizon. We got about 6 to 9 inches of rain Friday and Saturday. Our son Jimmy and his girlfriend came down for the weekend, and we are having a real nice time. We have been fishing, and Jimmy cooked hamburgers on the grill, he is cooking his famous ribs today for lunch/dinner. Angelia has started the search for a job in the Houston area so we can be together all the time. Please say a prayer for God to open the door for her to find the job that will brink God the most glory, and Angelia will be able to witness to his greatness. I love you all and God bless you and your family!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


O LORD my God, I called to you for help and you healed me. PSALM 30:2

I was given chemo even though my platlet count was 93. I will have another chemo treatment on the 15th of June. If my platelet count continues to drop it will keep me from staying on schedule. If you would please pray for me, I know if enough people pray God will answer by raising my platelet count. Other then that I feel pretty strong, I am having a pain around my spleen area, and I think it is growing again, which causes my platelet count to drop. Angelia and I got to visit a church in Nacogdoches, we are tying to find a church that meets our spiritual needs while we are here. We are still looking at moving Angelia to houston when God says the time is right. I am planning on making a job in central Texas on Tuesday. I pray all is good with you and your family, God bless!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” 1st JOHN 3:1

How is God treating everyone today? I hope he is blessing you and your family. I am getting chemo today, even though my platelet count is 93. I have been feeling pretty strong these last few weeks and have been able to go on jobs. I did two jobs over the Memorial day weekend, on Sunday I cooked Hamburgers, that Angelia had gotten for me, the guys on the job were really appreciative of the jesture. I just wanted everyone to at least have some enjoyment while working the holiday weekend. I have been really busy at work, and Angelia and I look forward to spending as much time together as possible. I pray this finds you health and in good spirit, thank the Lord for all he has bestowed upon us, God bless you and your families and friends.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


"Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span." EXODUS 23:25-26

Here I am again going through another chemo treatment. This one should be my 6th treatment in this round of chemo. I am feeling real strong and I have some energy, it was nice taking an extra week between treatments, last week Angelia and I went on vacation. We were blessed to be able to visit with my parents in hill country, and our son Jimmy came and surprised his mother for mothers day. We then went to Lake Summerville State Park and spent 5 days fishing having fires and just relaxing. We caught some catfish and perch, enough for a fish fry Thurday night. Saturday Angelia had to be in Nacogdoches for graduation at the collage, SFA had there largest graduating class ever. We were blessed to be able to attend church in Katy, we look forward to sunday school and the sermon. I hope everyone is doing well, and God is blessing you and your families. I love you all and God bless!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
MATTHEW 18:2-4

Emma Spencer is my first great niece, making me an excited great uncle. Isn't she beautiful [looks like me :-)]. I have been very busy lately, it seems like there's not enough time in the day. My company bought some new caliper tools from another company, so I need to learn how to run them, and process the information. I got results from my catscan yesterday, my tumors are staying the same size, which excited the doctor. I figure no change means I am not getting sicker. Angelia has been working for 2 and a half years on a project, for the college to start using a new software package. The college went live with the new software last week, and it appears except for a few minor problems, everything went well. Angelia and I are going on vacation the week of May 10th, we are going camping, we will meet up with Mom and Dad north of San Antonio for a couple days and then spend the rest of the week being together and fishing. I pray this update finds you happy and content, God bless and have a great week!